B2B Pharma Discovery & UX Design

The Big Question

Pharmaceutical distributer PBA Health was in need of an overhaul of a flagship customer program. Sales reports and site analytics provided important data to their executive team.

With the answer to “what,” company leadership created a hypothesis to “why,” but were those assumptions correct?

Instead of taking that hypothesis as a certainty and jumping right into a redesign, I pitched executive leadership on a robust discovery effort first.

Ultimately, what we learned from customers told a significantly different story than the data-only hypothesis. These insights culminated in a shift to product strategy, new branding, and an evolutionarily improved UI.


My Role: Create and develop a discovery plan, workshop product strategy and branding changes that would come from that discovery effort, and then provide information architecture and UX/UI design for the team.
Client: PBA Health
Users: Pharmacists at local consumer-facing pharmacies and hospitals
Activities: Business development, in-depth interviews, contextual inquiry, survey design, product analytics, presentation design, workshop facilitation, information architecture, UI design
Primary Tools: Google Analytics, Google Forms (as a survey tool), MS Office, In-Person Workshops

Pitching the Importance of Discovery

Early executive one-on-ones, a robust and exciting kickoff session, and appropriate project collateral created a sense of buy-in from the leadership team about the importance and ROI of conducting a discovery and planning phase before jumping right into any UX/UI refresh. The results would be worth it.

Customer Interviews & Ethnography

The foundation of the discovery effort included remote customer interviews along with a series of one hour ethnographic sessions with PBA Health’s customer pharmacies.

Research Activities

  • In-Depth Remote Interviews with PBA Health Customers
  • Ethnographic Sessions with Pharmacists
  • PBA Health Sales / Business Development Team and Marketing Team Interviews
  • Google Analytics Audit
  • UX Heuristic Review
  • Thematic Analysis of Research Data

Discovery Findings & a Product Pivot

We found the story the customers told us – their reasoning for purchasing decisions and how & why they interacted with various pharmaceutical sites – was a much different one than the hypothesis the executive team had. These direct insights were them analyzed for commonalities and categorized.

View more examples of work.